5 lessons from building a  Curriculum Vitae  with React

I create a CV in react, These were my main takeaways.

1.  Look at the same styled elements

2.  Use Json-server to create your fake REST API

3.  Read the documentation

4. Initialize the state before you fetch data.

5.  Personalize package.json file

This is a challenge for Platzi Master application. The goal: Make your CV in React. This was the final result

**Tools:**  - React JS   - Stylus

1. Look at the same styled elements

 As some elements are repeated continuously,  (in my case, there were for example bullet points and titles). I styled them in the main App.styl file, so I can use them in every component. I know it sounds a bit dumb, but it saved me a lot of time

** 2. **use Json-server to create your fake REST API

Create a json file with your data and install json-server, then run json-server --watch db.json et voilà.

3. Read the documentation

 Just because I didn't know how to use the server, I wasted 4 hours searching through stack overflow just to read in the challenge documentation the answer.

4. Initialize the state before you fetch data.


I was having trouble loading data, but I found that initializing the data I was going to use solved the problem. For example. Here I needed the name and percentage of the languages to be displayed*


       * state = {*

*        data: {*

*            'languages': {*

*                 'name':  '', *

*               'percentage':  '' *

          }],        },        }

5. Personalize package.json file

Uploading npm run in package.json helps to create shortcuts you can use in the terminal. For example, I created another json file: db.json and later upload package.json      "server": "json-server --watch db.json"

this, helped me run my server much quicker because now i just had to type npm run server